Massage Therapy In Chandler AZ

A Brief Overview of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a type of physical therapy that deals with the manipulation of muscles and the soft tissues in the body. A licensed massage therapist uses their hands and fingers to rub, press, and manipulate the muscles and tissues. They may also use their elbows, forearms, or feet in specific massage styles.

For example, a Swedish massage is characterized by long strokes and a kneading technique on the superficial layers of muscle, while a deep tissue massage focuses on myofascial trigger points and the deeper layers of muscle that may be affected by stress or injury. There is also something called the Ashiatsu massage, which is a type of massage therapy done with the feet instead of the hands.

Today, massage therapy is considered to be a part of complementary and alternative medicine, but this therapy is by no means new. References to massages have been found in texts from ancient Rome, Egypt, Greece, China, India, Japan, and the Middle East.

Massage therapy should only be performed by a licensed or certified technician. These technicians can be found at private offices, hospitals, studios, sports facilities, spas, or nursing homes. There are also technicians that travel to customers’ homes for treatment.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

While there is limited scientific evidence on massage therapy in general, there have been studies done in America on the number of people who participate in massage therapy. A 2007 survey found that 18 million adults and 700,000 children received some form of massage therapy in the previous year. While the scientific evidence may be lacking, it is clear that the public opinion proves massage therapy to be useful and beneficial.

People seek massage therapy for a number of reasons. Some people get massages to relieve pain, to rehabilitate injuries, or for general wellness, as massage therapy is said to benefit overall health. Other people use massage therapy to reduce stress, increase relaxation, or as treatment for anxiety and depression.

Massage therapy has been linked to lower blood pressure, lower heart rates, and a decrease in anxiety. More specifically, clinical research has shown that massage therapy and other complementary and alternative medicines are beneficial for chronic lower back pain that hasn’t responded to traditional medical treatment.

The Risks of Massage Therapy

Like any medical treatment, massage therapy has risks and side effects. There are very few serious risks associated with massages, but there are a number of side effects that can go along with a massage session, all of which can be made worse if the therapy is performed by an unlicensed or uncertified practitioner.

The most common side effects of massage therapy are temporary pain, discomfort, possible bruising, sore muscles, and swelling. If a massage is done with oils or lotions there is also a chance that these items can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction.

Is Massage Therapy for Everyone?

There are also certain people who should avoid massage therapy. People with bleeding disorders or those with low platelet counts should avoid vigorous massages. This is also true for people on blood thinner medications. If the participant has a blood clot, they should also avoid massages. People with bone fractures, weak bones (like with osteoporosis), open or healing wounds, skin infections, or those who have had recent surgery should also steer clear of massage therapy. It is also recommended that certain people like cancer patients and pregnant women consult their doctor before seeking massage therapy.