Massage Therapy In Chandler AZ


Benefits of Massage Therapy for Arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation of joints. There exist a lot of kinds of arthritis to date that people suffer from. Each type has its own manifestations, onset, causes, and symptoms. Each kind also has different synthetic medications for and most of them have been proven to have side effects or adverse reactions to the human body. As a result, a lot of arthritis patients have turned to alternative treatment solutions, such as massage therapy to relieve their pains and soreness less the side effects.

Take note, however, that some of the patients may visit while they are in intense pain. Ask about the specific areas where these pains are located and assess every session if the pain scale would tolerate any kind of massage on that day. Avoid moving or giving deep pressure on the seriously painful joint. Explain to the patient the reason so that if rescheduling is necessary, he will understand.

The optimum benefits of having massage therapy can be obtained through regular and consistent massage schedule. Statistics have shown that regular massage results in decreased pain scale, hence the activity levels of patients are increased. People who have pain syndrome long for a good sleep. Fortunately, massage therapy can decrease pain, hence sleep pattern is improved.

Patients suffering from arthritis need to detoxify or remove toxins from their body. Toxins are unhealthy substances that can build up and crystallize all the way through the body, in the blood vessels, nervous system, and the joints. This may congest the blood stream and produce pain in the joints as indicators of arthritis. Physiologically, the body system eliminates wastes via the digestive tract, however when there is a blockage or obstacle in the intestinal tract, the waste products would just accumulate and gather inside which can bring about subsequent problems to one's health. Massage therapy can break the clogs and help split up the dormant harmful toxins out of the joints, tissue, blood stream and muscles. The type of technique that is best used for this is the Thai massage therapy as it promotes eradication and clearing up of colonic channels in the body. This is definitely a great alternative for those who do not want to use laxatives, undergo colonic treatment procedures or barium enema.

The patient with arthritis should ask the therapist what kind of herbs, creams, essential oils and minerals are going to be used during his massage therapy session. Eucalyptus oil, menthol, and chamomile oil are all known to have pain relieving properties. Aromatherapy are also widely used and preferred by most people who love scented oils like rosemary, lavender, olive, jojoba, and almond oils during their massage sessions. Massage therapy with use of oils have been used during the ancient times and have proven to give benefits to one's general health and wellness.

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